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FoCM is working closely with representatives from the Sacramento Municipal Utilities District (SMUD) to improve the lighting in our neighborhood's alleys. The mission of FoCM's "Light the Night" campaign is to improve the security in Matsui and Liestal Alleys between 22nd and 26th Streets through the installation of high efficiency, low wattage LED lighting.
In the fall of 2020, the association completed the first phase of the project, working with SMUD to install new and energy efficient lighting fixtures along Matsui Alley. Engineers replaced old lighting and added new fixtures to fill alley "dark spots." The project was a partnership between SMUD and FoCM, with the cost of year-round maintenance fully funded by FoCM members.
LIGHT THE NIGHT: PHASE 1 (Completed, Winter 2020)
LIGHT THE NIGHT: PHASE 2 (Estimated completion date, Spring 2020)
FoCM uses the principles of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) to guide their efforts in creating a safer and healthier urban neighborhood. The term CPTED was coined by Dr. C. Ray Jeffrey in the early 1970s, who describes it as follows: "CPTED is the proper design and effective use of the built environment that can lead to a reduction in the form and incidence of crime and improvement in the quality of life." Here are the basic principles outlined:
Natural Surveillance
Placing physical features and activities in ways that maximize the ability to see what's going on.
Access Management
Using properly located entrances, exits, fencing, landscaping, and lighting to discourage crime.
Using fences, pavement treatments, art, signs, good maintenance, and landscaping to provide a visual transition from public to private property and express ownership.
Activity Support
Encouraging legitimate activity in public spaces to discourage criminal behavior.
Maintenance and repair of landscaping, lighting, and other features to facilitate a sense of caring and ownership. This can also include maintaining and encouraging orderly behavior
View the Elements of CPTED visual explainer created by
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